General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery of Rothstein Draht GmbH
These terms exclusively apply for all – also future – offers, deliveries and services. Differing customer terms are hereby contradicted. Any variations to these terms will only be effective upon our written confirmation.
The place of performance is the location of our supplying plant. This contract shall be governed exclusively by German law, excluding international agreements. The place of jurisdiction, for merchants who do not belong to the tradesmen described in § 4 BGB (German Civil Code), and for legal entities under public law or public special funds, is the location of our head office. Incidentally, the location of our the seat of our head office is the place of jurisdiction if …
… the customer moves their residence or habitual abode outside the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany after the conclusion of the contract, or his place of residence or habitual abode is not known at the time the complaint is filed;
… we assert claims by way of default action. We shall also be entitled to file a lawsuit at the place of the customer’s registered office. German law shall apply to the contractual provisions.
The possible legal invalidity of individual provisions of these terms and conditions of sale and delivery, shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Deviations from these conditions require our written confirmation.
Your data will be stored by EDP (BDSG §26).
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